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How to start a lifestyle blog and how to monetize it.

Let’s start with the obvious,

What is a lifestyle BLOG

A lifestyle blog is a website where a blogger talks about their own life, experiences, hobbies, daily activities, or anything. Usually talks about energy itself and how they can contribute to it.

As a result, lifestyle blogs are frequently more personal than other blog kinds.
Lifestyle bloggers offer their personal experiences to inspire others to motivate them to go out into the world to show their readers a different perspective.

You don’t have to limit yourself to one topic regarding lifestyle blogging.
You can write on various topics that are important to you, such as parenting, cuisine, fitness, beauty, college life, and everything in between.

Pick a niche

A niche is a topic of interest for your blog; some questions that will help you decide what your blog will be about are:

What kind of experiences can you share with your audience? What skills do you have?

Creating a spreadsheet of your interest will help you pinpoint exactly what you want to write about.

Let me give you some recommendations:

  • Parenting
  • Traveling
  • Fitness and Health
  • Beauty
  • Foods, recipes and everything related to it.

Remember, you can blog about anything you want, and you have to have some passion for it.

Choose the best platform to blog.

Next, you’ll need to choose where to host your blog; you can not start a blog without a place to host it.

Choosing your platform can be easy but challenging; there is an abundance of media out there, you have to go with what works for you, in both service and cost.

We recommend WordPress and BlueHost; why? You asked.

Simple, you get both for the price of one, and it’s cost-efficient.

Bluehost costs $2.95 per month to start for one year. Perfect if you don’t want to spend that much money, plus they are excellent, and they deliver everything they say.

Read Bluehost review for more information.

Choose your winning domain name.

Again, for this step, I recommend BlueHost; it’s a great platform to host your blog, plus it gives you a FREE DOMAIN, among other benefits.

Choosing your unique domain name can also be frustrating, but there are options online to help you choose one, but let’s face it. You want to make sure it’s something you like and are comfortable working with.

Choosing a home called HOSTING.

The following step involves choosing a home for your blog or hosting; same as above, multiple websites do this and give outstanding service. Still, the one we recommend it’s BLUEHOST; by now, you can see that BlueHost can do everything, an all-in-one service that can provide from hosting to a domain name to helping you create your blog.

Click the image below to lock in your special price

Design your BLOG

Now that you have the foundation stable, you need to create the content and design your layout; thankfully, WordPress has an extensive collection of themes for you to choose from. Not only that, WordPress is up to date with technology advances, and it will help create not only a desktop site but also a responsive one compatible with tablets and mobile.

It is recommended to have your posts ready to be pasted into your design, so giving value to your readers should be your priority. But if you don’t have any post available to incorporate into your new blog, no worries, you can start writing as soon as you can and share your passion with the world.

Once you have something solid, its time for your next step.

Share your blog with the world.

You can start doing this by sharing with friends and family; it’s always wise to invest as much time as possible to build it up and always create content.

Social Media is your Friend

Social media will play a significant role in your success; let’s face it, almost everyone has social media, and they spend a reasonable amount of time there. So why not? Share your blog with the people of the world.

Remember everything takes time, effort, and patience.

Send e-mails and newsletter.

It is essential to capture as many subscribers as you can; offering a newsletter or a way for you to interact with your audience is vital. It is strongly recommended to collect e-mail addresses; this way, you can always engage your audience and keep them in the loop when your new post releases.

Now you might be wondering how do I make money from this.?

Make money with your blog

You can try the following to make a buck.

  1. Affiliate Marketing

You can affiliate yourself with affiliate networks and promote what they have. Very time a reader buys through your site; you earn a commission from that sale.

Some examples of affiliate networks are: / /

, and the best part is all of these are FREE to join.

  1. Ads

When you place ads on your site, you get paid every time someone clicks on them and makes a purchase.

  1. Get sponsor posts

Sponsor blogs are blogs that other people create for you to post. To apply this technique, you must first have a more significant presence online. For example, you will need more traffic to your site, and more social media followers.

you can also visit

Read: How to make money with a blog in just a few steps.

Best of luck.